Plan of the City of Washington in the Territory of Columbia, Ceded by the States of Virginia and Maryland to the United States of America, and by Them Established as the Seat of the Government After the Year MDCCC.

Not on Display

Albert H. Small Washingtoniana Collection
Accession Number:
AS 64
Credit Line:
Albert H. Small Washingtoniana Collection
Maps; 18th Century
Object Type:
Frame 76.20 H x 91.44 W cm (30 H x 36 W in)
John Lim (Author), Mapping Cultural Philanthropy: Albert H. Small Washingtoniana Collection, Dumbarton Oaks Museum, Washington, D.C., August 2018
Carroll Carter (Author), A Pedastel Awaiting a Monument, United States Capitol Hill Historical Society, Washington, D.C., 2016
Elise A. Friedland (Author), "Antiquity in America's Capital", Antiquities & America: Collectors, Artists, and the Ancient Mediterranean in the United States, Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Maine, 2022
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Exhibition History:
Seat of Empire: Planning Washington, The George Washington University Museum and The Textile Museum, Washington DC, March 21, 2015 - October 15, 2015
Eye of the Bird, The George Washington University Museum and The Textile Museum, Washington DC, October 01, 2018 - December 23, 2018
The Language of Maps, The George Washington University Museum and The Textile Museum, Washington DC, March 12, 2022 - August 27, 2022
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